Directors Bay is located on the Caracas Bay Peninsula, passed the abandoned Monumental Quarantine Building. This secluded coral beach originally was a private beach for the directors of Shell and the Dutch Royal family. Some even belief that the pillars found in the water just off the beach were placed there by Shell, because the late Queen Juliana, was so afraid of fish that they caged in the water for her. Others believe it had something to do with World War II…
A cement stair leads the way to the coral beach. Diving shoes are highly recommended. Access to the water is fairly easy. The reef is very steep and the plateau is grown with many different kinds of soft and hard corals like branching vase sponge (Callyspongia vaginalis), basket sponges, alcyonacea and West Indian sea egg (white sea urchin). Furthermore, you may spot smooth trunkfish, barracuda, spotted scorpionfish, various kinds of moray and if lucky even green sea turtles!